Monday, May 31, 2010

31 day submission: Brittany!

A few weeks ago, Brittany tagged me in a post on facebook. She included a link to her blog. I love Brittany's writing and then to be included in it, what what? I was so excited to be mentioned in such lovely writing. I met Brittany when I met her roommate when they were looking for a place to live...a little over three years ago. Brittany inspires me in so many ways. She is my go-to woman when talking about hip-hop, diversity/inclusion, feminism, spirituality and general reflections on living life. She is so cool.

Check out her 31 things. What do you think of them? I love them. I hope to hang out on her hammock, too.

Starting a few days ago, there were 31 days till summer — gosh, I can’t believe May is basically over.
Over the last few months I’ve been spending some time exploring what it might mean for me to be well in my 25th year and a few friends invited me to join the 31 Days (till) Summer Challenge. Lots of folks are joining in, making lists of 31 ways to take care of oneself, and acting on each one. I’m jumping in a bit late, but made my list this afternoon. So, here goes something (not nothing)…
Commute by bike 4 days each week
Clean out my bedroom closet
Create a meditation space in the guest room
Read poetry
Take 2 turns at watering the garden each week
When cooking beef, only cook grass-fed cows
Only say ‘yes’ to opportunities that energize me
Cook a new recipe each week
Get a summer hair-do
Learn basic bike repairs
Practice yoga three times
Give away some clothes
Buy a new sports bra
Eat mindfully (including 3 meals a day)
Finish projects I start
Paint my toe nails as often as I want
Go to the Farmer’s Market & buy white radishes (yum!)
Write a few letters to Grams
Notice & pay attention to when I feel confined or constricted
Keep a food-mood journal for a few days
Remind myself as often as I need to: How & Who I Am Is A-Okay
Go to the park with Adina
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Listen to music loud, loud, loud
Invite conversation w/ my friends, fam & partner about what it means to be well
Take a nap
Go to the pool once
Hang the hammock on the clothes line
Lay in the hammock
Give myself a break

Three Weeks

How's it been going on your challenge? It's been just a week into celebrating the arrival of summer. For me I've found that I'm listening to my body more and more. I am really excited for summer for a number of reasons this time around. I'm not sure if it's because I'm surrounded by people all around the world who are celebrating health and summer (and winter for our southern hemisphere folks). Part of it is celebrating summer in a place I can call home...and someone who is all my husband and all...and our favorite dog...and celebrating my summer hair.

So, what have you noticed in your body so far?
What has been the most difficult, surprising part of the challenge?
What would you adjust from your list? Add or delete?
What are some encouraging words you can offer others on this journey?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

31 day submission: Dave!

Another submission for today! Sweet friend and coworker David B!

I met David through my service at Word Made Flesh. He was on our board at first, then he was an intern and I helped him with his internship and now he's on staff in Argentina! I have a favorite pair of flip flops that he gave to me as a gift for helping him with his internship. I break them out every spring/summer, they are even here with me on our vacation. He's a sweet friend and has really great resources on the contemplative spirituality and mindfulness that people have referred to in their sharing. Check his blog out!

A few weeks back Jara, our WMF Advocacy Coordinator, introduced a “31 Days till Summer” health challenge. I kept reading the Facebook and Twitter updates, as more and more people joined in. And a kept ignoring the challenge as not for me right now. After all, we aren’t counting down the days to summer as the temps chill down towards winter here in the Southern Hemisphere. Plus, I already have a pretty long to do list before leaving for my visit to the U.S. in July. I didn’t want to add more things to “should” on myself about. This past week I was communicating with Jara in some emails back and forth on some work stuff. I added a P.S. in one of the emails thanking her for the challenge and the inspiration she gives, but explaining why I wasn’t going to take on the challenge this time around.

She replied back with a super encouraging and understanding email. Then a couple days later I found this blog post from Jara…"Stop. Deep Breath." So, for the past couple of days I had second thoughts and decided to jump into the challenge! If nothing else, it will help me think more intentionally about my health and rhythm of life (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually).

I am a little late in the game. Better late than never, I guess. And I will make up for lost time and keep up the challenge until I leave for the U.S. in early-July. I figure that is when I’ll find summer again up north anyway!

I started my list this morning. I’ve got 20! I’ll start with that and add more, as I am able. I’ll try to share some updates along the way on my blog. Big thanks to Jara and others who are taking on the challenge for the inspiration. (I stole some of your ideas.)

If you want to follow the challenge blog, click here….

1) Stop. Deep Breath!
2) Complete the final three units of the Spiritual Exercises (Sacred Listening, James Wakefield).
3) Eat one vegetarian meal a week.
4) Learn and try simple vegetarian recipes.
5) Make an appointment with the dermatologist to have my skin checked over in the U.S. in August.
6) Ride my bike once a week.
7) Walk for pleasure and exercise at least once a week (beyond daily walking for necessity).
8) Walk or ride bike through ecological reserve once in June.
9) Write at least one note or email of gratitude once a week.
10) Finish reading Simply Christian by N.T. Wright.
11) Read Wisdom of Stability by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove before the Staff Gathering (if it arrives in time).
12) Drink more water.
13) Floss more.
14) Take a day E.P.C. retreat in June (agenda free!)
15) Keep up with “31 days Til (l) Summer” blog for inspiration and ideas.
16) Practice examen once a week – consolation/desolation.
17) Do something life-giving every Sabbath.
18) Buy my veggies and chicken at the farmer’s market in Tuesdays.
19) Stay after church for lunch in the Living/Comedor once in June.
20) Visit a Museum.

31 day submission: Erin!

I love this woman!!! Erin B. and her family have been lifesavers in so many ways. They support me in my service at Word Made Flesh and they also are just really great friends. I was able to welcome their fourth-born in the hospital. I was honored to see a new life enter the world...on my birthday.

sooo. a beautiful friend of mine ( isn’t she though?!) has sought out to inspire her friends and others to a healthier way of living. she has challenged and encouraged us all to choose 31 things inthe next 31 days that we want to do better or differently. we are to make a list and then do our very best to follow it! I started theis when there was actually 31 days til(l) summer for real . . . .no there are 20 . . . something. anyway. I am just getting around to sharing my list! here goes!

1. exercise everyday for at least 20 minutes
2. run stairs (plus some . . .sheesh!) with the 31 days omaha crew once a week
3. purpose to get the rooms inmy home decluttered and simplified. (one at a time erin . . . one at a time)
4. sew more
5. write at least once a week
6. be commited to my blog!
7. purpose each morning to be energetic, creative, attentive and loving to my children.
8. be a better wife by acknowledging him everyday.
9. tell myself each day that who I am matters and tht who I was made to be deserves to be nurtured.
10. do 20 push ups and 20 triceps a day (at least)
11. get my dance scedule figured out and ready to commit to for fall.
12. dont give up so easily
13. spen way less time on the computer
14.take my kids to a park or somewhere at least one a week
15. be committed to my diet staying away from foods that bother my body.
16. take care of the garden WITH the kids!
17. decide not to be afraid of wearing my swimsuit.
18. laugh more
19. write more letters
20. speaking of writing letters (find some typewriter tape!)
21. start at least one drawing.
22. stay within my grocery budget.
23. make a weekly meal plan.
24. leave the dishes and go for a walk with my kids.
25. visit my grandparents.
26. call my parents more.
27. read the Word each day (even if only for a few minutes!)
28. practicing loving everyone (it’s harder than it seems!)
29. make a skirt for myself
30. learn to be comfortable with who I am inside nd learn not to be afraid that people are going to think I’m a joke.
31. do this longer than 31 days.

whew! that took some thinking and now it’s gonna take some major commitment. I need to print this list off and tape it to every wall in my house!
well, that’s ll for tonight. I gotta go to bed and get rid of these sniffles!
nighty night!
Love to you!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy happy happy one week! (part two)

Enjoy the video! :)

Happy happy happy one week!

Good morning've made it the first week of the 31 day til summer challenge :) What whaaaaat. You're on day 7! I'm soooo proud of you.

How do you feel? 8 days ago you may have been writing out your 31 things...14 days ago you may not have even known about this challenge. But today you know about the challenge and have participated in some capacity. And i'm proud. Keep it up.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Taco Salad

Alright, most of my summer vegetarian recipes are simple and use a lot of what we have around the house.

I like to have themes for my if i'm craving Mexican, i'll do a taco salad or a version of a taco salad and I use these items.

Herdez Salsa (This is amazing)
Brown Rice
Black Beans
Tortillas (optional)
Salad Greens
Morningstar Crumbles (these replace ground beef or turkey)
Some type of taco seasoning or a combination of cumin/coriander, red pepper flakes)

I saute the onions and spices..maybe some garlic...and then add the crumbles...I usually throw some water in with this.

Then I cook the other veggies...and the grain.

Top it with salsa, sometimes plain yogurt....and avocado.

This is just something simple I put together. I use my food scale and find the portions and enjoy!

Meditating and Journaling...

I've been journaling for years...if you look at my catalog of my life, you'll see when i've journaled more and sometimes when i've journaled less. When i'm really listening to myself and how God is teaching me and leading me, I will write about it. I'm sometimes a verbal processor, but I really need to write to get it all out. But, that's just me. Some people don't need to write out what's going on.

The reason I want to journal/meditate and pray more is because I want to keep somewhat of a written documentary of the various seasons of my life. I think that I'm much more available to be present to myself when I write and listen to what's happening. You know?

What about you?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stop. Deep breath.

One of the things I'm known for is my love for planning things. It's a love-hate relationship. I have this weird capacity to see schedules in a 3-d way, I see how things layer on top of each other, I have a pretty good sense of my friends' schedules (they don't know this, haha). But I just get it. I hear when people are tired and when I look at a combination of their schedule (if it does or doesn't include a workout) or if they aren't eating very well, or haven't been to the doctor in awhile...I can hear their weariness even more.

Part of the 31 day challenge for us all is to remember to STOP. And take a deep breath. I mean, a real deep breath. Not one of those, let me add TAKE A BREAK to my to-do list. But, no, just stop. I think that to-do lists have a place in our lives as long as they don't paralyze us or hold us captive to the calendar or clock. I use my to-do list at work to make sure that I'm holding onto the right projects in the right place. I refer to my calendar to make sure that I'm watching certain ongoing projects: pay this bill on time, buy gardening supplies, look at plane tickets, call so and so back, finish these minutes.

For me writing my 31 things was difficult on a number of levels. I didn't want to feel like at any point I was setting goals for myself that if I didn't achieve I would feel guilty. If you know me, you know that I reprimand people who demonize any type of food or berate themselves for not working out. Choosing health is choosing freedom. As soon as you feel like a goal/intention is suffocating you, don't do it. There is an element of re-learning or learning discipline, but there's a fine line between discipline, self-abnegation and punishment...and guilt. You have to find that line on your own. Don't compare yourself. If you only wrote 10 things you wanted to do for the challenge, take those 10 things and work it. Those are YOUR things.

As you learn how to listen to your body, write down and remember what you're learning about yourself. I know for me last night I had a piece of pizza, I was tempted to feel guilty, but I enjoyed that piece of pizza and knew when I was full. That's a big step for me. Yes, I need to watch how much dairy I have because of my lactose intolerancy, and yes, I love vegetables and maybe should have had a salad with my pizza, but you know what, it's over. I'm moving on and I enjoyed that pizza like it was the Cause, it was.

At any point this challenge is controlling you, step back and see what that means. This is a journey to health with others. And it should be enjoyable. And me saying all of this isn't to say that this journey won't be difficult. You got this.

31 things submission: Hilary

Alright! Welcome another participant!!! Hilary! I work with this young woman at Word Made Flesh as well. She's a sweet friend to all and has a heart that is open to joy, sorrow, excitement, sadness. She's really great and I can't wait to hear how her 31 days goes!

my friend Jara invited me to participate in this challenge. it was supposed to start on May 21 (31 days until the start of summer - the start of summer falls on June 21! YES!) but I missed that deadline. So, I am starting my 31-day challenge this Friday May 28th and I'll run it through until June 28th! i'm very excited - i feel my heart racing just thinking about this challenge! I love to compete and I think this is a great opportunity for me to compete with myself (in a positive way), be challenged and achieve!! ROAR! ...i needed to add that!

31 Challenges:
Run in the morning 3 days/week
Lift weights (including core strengthening) 4 days/week
Bake a new kind of bread
Weed the garden every week
Read out of my new devotional book everyday
Pray every day
Call dad every week
Call Halee every week
Visit Holly and Heidi every week
Eat hard-boiled eggs
Have protein source every day
No food after 9PM (great idea Liz)
Take Ayrton and Vesper to the park
Ride bike to work 3 days/week
Get 7 hours of sleep
Challenge myself with stairs/sprints every week
Compete in road race
Make a new flag
Try no gluten for 1 week
Each more than 5 fruits/veggies each day
Begin training for Market-to-Market race
Mow Heidi and Tom’s lawn
No clothing purchases
Sit on the front porch for 20 consecutive minutes not doing…not even reading
Think of consolations and desolations every night (thanks Amanda and Daphne!)
Finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Visit the Farmer’s Market when I’m in town
Take care of my car (clean the inside, check the oil and check the tires)
Go to a lake/campground/park outside of Omaha
Show gratitude, be loving and see God in others

I'll let you know how these 31 days and 31 challenges goes!

Middle of the Week (Day 6/31)

Just wanted to check in with you worries, this isn't something to make you feel guilty that you haven't done any particular thing...but really just a check in. How has it been going? Have you noticed anything different? Have you shared your goals/intentions with a friend?

For me, the middle of the week can bring a very tired Jara...I will have taught a few classes at the Y, I will have been at work for 24 hours...(three 8 hour days)...and I just feel it. I hope to be present even to my typical midweek fatigue and maybe check back in with my goal to not hit snooze..and get 7 hours of sleep!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What did you all plan for your meals this week? What's the favorite meal that you've made so far...or a meal that you're proud of that you would want to share with the group.

Here's a link to some of my favorite food and health blogs. They have good recipes listed, too!

You love oatmeal??? Check out Kath eats and her devotion to oatmeal!
Smitten it and this recipe.

And if you're looking for a place to track your meals, check out DailyPlate. I like it!

I also dig this site...really good recipes with price breakdowns!

Monday, May 24, 2010

31 days till Summer challenge: Daphne!!!

I love love love this woman. She and I worked together at Word Made Flesh for about four years. We were neighbors in the office and at home in our apartments. Daphne is also a part of a lovely yogurt company, del marie, in Omaha. If you're in Omaha and haven't tried it out, you need to, it's an order. Check out her list of 31 things.

I love love love the listening to your body parts!!!!!! (PS We got Caleb to do a round of stair running yesterday)

I took the challenge!! Thanks for helping me to be a more whole, healthy person Jara!

1. Go vegan 1 day a week.
2. Wash my face and moisturize each night before bed.
3. Take a day off the Internet (includes checking iphone!).
4. Move every day even if it’s just a walk.
5. Do my planks.
6. Run 1 mile without stopping.
7. Ride my bike for transport one day a week.
8. Listen to the stomachache. What does it say? Write it down.
9. Listen to my desire to eat more. Am I really hungry? Write it down.
10. Stop (or don’t start) eating when I’m not hungry.
11. Say a nice thing to myself each day.
12. Be kind. apologize and ask forgiveness of myself when I catch myself being mean to me.
13. Try PX90 with Jara.
14. Run stairs with Jara at least once.
15. Think about my desolation/consolation each day.
16. Practice gratitude. Write it down.
17. Take a week-long break from solitaire (yeah, I’m a big nerd!).
18. Go to the park with Finley.
19. Smile at people when I’m out.
21. Plant my garden and watch it grow.
22. Sit up straight while on the computer.
23. Have that prescription made into reading glasses.
24. Turn off the TV and read.
25. Get up before 6 am.
26. Stay up past midnight (not on the same day as 25).
27. Take a nap (okay, maybe on the same day as 25 or 26).
28. Write something just for fun and share it with someone.
29. Work on expressing my honest feelings and thoughts rather than what is expected of myself or others.
30. Let my nails grow. Ask myself “why?” when I have the urge to bite them. What’s making you anxious, lady?
31. Do my very best during the 31 day challenge and not give up.

Crocker's thoughts on small steps...

"as far as i see it, health and wellness is all about incorporating small changes (steps if you will) into your daily routine, making those routines habits, and making those habits a lifestyle.

while everyone else is trying to be a habit breaker, i want to be a habit maker."

- crocker's blog

Incorporating small steps into our lives makes a lifestyle change sustainable...that's what I think. I mean you hear about 21 days to make/break take it a day at a time.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Monday!!!

31 day submission: Liz aka Dotty

I met Liz when she came two years ago for Daphne and Caleb's wedding. I knew we'd be friends...we had a few rough patches at the beginning, but now she's one of my dearest and favorite friends. OOO we met before Daphne's wedding. She gave me some enneagram + relationship advice. Priceless. Seriously, my life turned around at that point in some areas. I am forever thankful.

So, here are here things!!! I love love love that woman!

YAY! Jara has started a 31 day challenge, for all of us who want to get ready for summer to do 31 healthy things, something every day. I don’t know if my list fits the criteria exactly but it’s a start.

Everyone in the blogger world, around the world, you should do this too! 31 day challenge!

1. wear sunscreen

2. use make up wipes to wash off my eye make up nicely instead of smearing it off with hand soap every night
3. take Jed’s Advanced Yoga class on Thurs nights at the Y
4. start taking summer ballet class on Wed evenings at Omaha Academy of Ballet
5. call my dad
6. for that matter, call everyone in my family!
7. pray for WMF Omaha peeps at least once a week by name
8. stretch at least four times a week
9. incorporate intercessory prayer back into my morning prayer routine
10. ride my bike with Calvin once every other week somewhere (ok, I am trying to be realistic here)
11. find one other evening a week to be at the Y doing my own, unstructured work out with weights and music, so relaxing!
12. go to the farmer’s market 1+ time
13. eat breakfast everyday
14. journal everyday, even a few lines
15. do the examen of consciousness at night instead of some mornings
16. stop eating after 9 pm
17. stop texting during Thurs night dinners or other social events
18. start pre-marital counseling with Calvin
19. try out a new church with Calvin
20. practice positive self-talk in the mornings when i am most self-critical
21. pray the welcoming prayer when i am overwhelmed
22. find a class or work out on Fridays immediately after work if Omaha Modern Dance Collective’s class is not on Fridays anymore
23. finish Marcia’s Christmas present
24. try to eat 4 meals a day, plan ahead to make this possible
25. read more books on Christianity, including Friendship at the Margins by Chris Heuertz and Culture- Making by Andy Crouch
26. buy Beach Body meal replacement to eat immediately after taking class or working out (Jara, a little help here?)
27. do yoga push-ups every time I work out or take class
28. do a core strengthening exercise every time I work out or take class
29. take the core strength class 1- 2 times this month

sunday sundaaaaaaaaaay (stairs 'n' meals)

Today I'm going to run the Memorial Park stairs (if it's not raining)...the reason I've added this other day of cardio is that I wanted to try and incorporate something different into my workout for the next month.

Did you decide to try a new class at your gym? Or try a different activity? Or increase your mileage? If so, leave some love and comment. I'd love to know what you're i'm sure that other people want to know as well.

The second thing I'm going to do today is make my meals for the week. I'm not completely sure what i'll make but I want to make sure my meals are balanced...vegetables/healthy whole grain/protein. Mah body needs does yours :)

I think i'll probably make a couscous salad with some Israeli couscous! Yum! Maybe tuna salad...the possibilities are endless. I might even add some almond butter with toasted flax seed. When I figure out what i'm making I'll post recipes.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

31 day submission: Melissa!!!

I love love love Melissa. She's an amazing women who I've met in Omaha in the past year. She is a part of an inspiring collective of women who believe in whole health and offer their professional expertise with their clients and friends. I am seriously amazed with Melissa. She's going to one of the first people who will see my new haircut in person. I'm taking a vacation day and we have a morning coffee date and i'm so excited.

Here's her list:

  1. Track my food
  2. Track my spending
  3. Floss more
  4. Morning walks
  5. Evening walks
  6. Look for a yoga class where I feel really comfortable
  7. Roast endamine
  8. Drink more water
  9. Give away clothes I don’t wear
  10. Journal
  11. End needless guilt
  12. Be in the sun a lot
  13. Use my herbs
  14. Ride my bike
  15. Walk to work as much as possible
  16. Take more photos
  17. Sit outside at night
  18. Go to the farmers market
  19. Eat at The Daily Grub
  20. At least 1 day all vegetarian
  21. Take more naps
  22. Prepare more fish
  23. Get massage
  24. Visit Hitchcock Nature Center
  25. Listen to more music
  26. Water the garden mindfully
  27. Go through all the toys and give some away
  28. Add more light to the basement
  29. Eat more fruit
  30. Eat more dark chocolate instead of baked goods
  31. Do less and Be more (Ani Difranco quote)

til vs. till

So, I realized that i'd sent out different literature/flyers out that had both til and till on them...and I couldn't figure out which one was really right. I tend to think that til is right...cause it's short of until...but I don't know. What do you think ?

31 day submission: SamJam style

Sweet Samantha just submitted her 31 things. She's an amazing artist who manages to smile all of the time. She might be one of my perpetual smilers!

1. Say “No” to one social activity a week
2. Spend at least 10 hours in the studio a week
3. Apply for one art teaching position
4. Get at least 6 hours of sleep
5. Make meals at home
6. Go to the gym at least twice a week
7. Have Jara show me free weights
8. Try Yoga with Liz
9. Keep my clothes off my floor and in the drawers
10. Take healthy snacks to work instead of eating the pastries
11. Revamp my budget
12. Cut 4 to 6 hours off my work schedule
13. Attend at least 2 community art events
14. Ride my bike more (at least once a week)
15. Get a helmet
16. Do my chores weekly
17. Call my home town friends (once or twice)
18. Try new recipes
19. Find more free and creative things to do with Adam and friends
20. Finish one of the five books I’m reading
21. Take time to really reflect on enquirers class
22. Eat a meal out by myself more often
23. Make a special trip home just to see my friends
24. Plan a fun trip for the summer
25. Go camping
26. Log my eating habits
27. Get ride of clutter
28. Eat less meat
29. Call my sister more
30. Take more photos
31. Take more walks and explore more of Omaha

Friday, May 21, 2010

31 things submission: Jason

Jason is one of my best friends from college...we've been friends for 11 years. He lives in Kentucky and owns his own design firm!

1. Write a short film screenplay
2. Establish a healthy sleep schedule
3. Start my day at 5 am one day
4. Shoot a personal video project
5. Go on a creative retreat
6. Run 10 miles or more.
7. Swim triathlon distance
8. Paint my bedroom
9. Learn to prepare 3 healthy meals
10. Learn healthy ways to deal with stress
11. Meditate
12. Spend less time working at the computer
13. Spend lots of time outside
14. Limit my soda intake
15. Finish my garden
16. De-junk and de-clutter
17. Write an encouraging letter
18. Come up with a redesign for my website
19. Journal once a week at LEAST
20. Dream about the future
21. Mow my yard regularly
22. Do situps
23. Finish one project I've put off
24. Wash my car
25. Catch up with an old friend
26. Skype with my niece
27. Have a networking session
28. Give myself a fun haircut
29. Get a massage
30. Do one atypical home design thing
31. Learn a song on the piano

31 things submission: Drew

Drew is with Oxide, our corporate sponsor. Oxide did Word Made Flesh's redesign and they are really good friends of Omaha in general. We're thrilled to have Drew and the Oxide crew behind us! Woot!

Here are Drew's lovely 31 things!

Sign up Oxide Design as corporate partner of Jara's 31 Days Til(l) Summer Challenge
Eat at least one serving of fruit per day
No candy (I figure this counts as 5)
No meat (I figure this counts as zero, since I'm already a vegetarian)
Measure my food intake/portions
Read the nutritional labels on food
Try to cut out high fructose corn syrup
Log everything I eat
Log everything I drink
Publicly post food & drink logs
Go walking at least 4 times a week
Play ultimate at least 3 times
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Park at the far end of the parking lot
Try to run the stairs with Jara at least once
No caffeinated soda after lunchtime
Try fruit for dessert
Bring my lunch to work as often as possible
Eat at home more often than out
Say when i'm full and stop eating
Try to read The Omnivore's Dilemma
Work in the garden weekly
Stay committed to health even when on vacation/out of town
Snuggle with Miles daily
Get a massage
Take before/after pictures
Celebrate my victories (not just weight related)
Share this challenge with friends and/or family

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

31 days til(l) Summer Challenge

Hey friends,

If you're at this blog it's because you're joining me and others for the next 31 days on making some fun healthy decisions for your health. If you want access to also post on this blog and to share your experience, please let me know.

Alright, what's your goal for the next 31 days? What are the 31 things you've picked?

The Challenge

So, here's the deal. I haven't been shy asking for help in my fitness journey. Some of you are my fitness instructors who encouraged me to become an instructor...some of you are fellow workout buddies who inspire me every single day! Some of you are friends who have invited me into your own personal journey of finding health. I am privileged to be surrounded by such great friends who care about my health. :)

I just made this little challenge up on my own. I figured out that there are some 31 days until summer from this Friday...What what?? Summer is almost here. So I thought what could I do with friends to welcome in this long-awaited summer.....and here's this challenge. The challenge is totally pick 31 things you commit to doing for the next 31 days whether it's running local stairs on Sundays...increasing your mileage on your runs, joining a gym, trying a new gym's playaaaaaa's choice. You pick 'em and you share 'em and share your results.

If you're in, let me know. I can help you set up blog or twitter account that would help you share your stories and be an inspiration to someone else...just like you've inspired me :) If you're in Omaha, I'll be running local stairs on the Sundays that I'm in town...we'll be doing the Memorial Park stairs this Sunday or sneaking into UNOs stadium :)

Challenge starts this Friday.
You in!? :)


Work up to running # miles
Try a new fitness class
Track food daily
Write and reflect in journal, weekly
Find a workout buddy
Bring a friend to the gym
Meditate daily/weekly
Eat vegetarian once a week
Add # minutes to my workout schedule
Get a manicure
Try a new fruit weekly
Try a new vegetable weekly
Walk 3 miles a day (10,000 steps)
Cut out soda for a week
Run the local stairs on Sundays
Measure food / watch food portions
Start a blog/twitter account and share your story
Take before/current/after pictures
Try fruit for dessert
Exercise with my family weekly
See if my gym offers personal training
Walk/bike to work
Make my annual doctor’s appointment
Do weight-bearing exercises during commercial breaks
Get 8 hours of sleep
Make an exercise plan for summer
Bring my lunch to work
Celebrate my victories
Read the nutritional labels on food
Try alternating workouts in the morning and evenings
Get a fitness assessment at my local gym
Set up a followup fitness assessment
Set my fitness goals, share it with a friend or friends
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Try a new recipe weekly and share with friends
Share this challenge with friends and/family